Boat Documentation: Past, Present and Future

Boat Documentations

Boat documentations used to be much more difficult to deal with than it is now. In the past, the process was far more arduous than it is today. When we started our site, we did so with the expressed idea that we simplify the vessel documentation process for regular, working vessel owners, who didn’t have all kinds of time to spend filling out vessel documentation. Today, the process is better, and will only continue to improve. While we’re proud of our accomplishments, we never settle; as we’re always on the lookout for ways to do even more.

Boat Documentations in the Past

If you’re above a certain age, then you may remember filling out plenty of essays in school by hand. You always had to watch your penmanship, and make sure that there were no typos or even anything that could be misconstrued. That’s what filling out vessel documentation used to be like. It was like doing homework, only instead of getting a grade, it had the higher stakes of allowing you to use your vessel as you saw fit. We knew we wanted to do something about that, so we started our online site.

Boat documentations

Vessel Documentation Today

If you go to our site, you can fill out all of your boat documentations in just a matter of minutes. You can click on our homepage, easily find the documentation that corresponds to your needs, and then fill it out. When we say “fill out” we don’t mean by hand, but rather by typing. Then, once you’re done, there are no envelopes, stamps or checks to fill out. Instead, you simply click the buttons at the bottom of the page and pay online. What used to take hours (or more) can now be done in about the time it takes to read one of these blogs.

Future of Vessel Documentation

We’re always looking for ways to make things better. Recently, we moved the most used forms to the center of the page, so that you don’t have to search for them. Additionally, we beefed up our security, too. That way, you don’t have to worry about your information being stolen when you use our site. By always improving our security, we stay one step ahead of those who would steal it. You can use our portal today to meet all of your vessel documentation needs, or you can call us at (866) 981-8783.